POLICY SUMMARY: Discipline and Complaints Policy

Note: This document is not the Discipline and complaints Policy. It is a summary of that policy. The definitive authority for matters related to this policy is the policy itself.

All participants across the Canadian Blind Sports system are expected to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations including complying with the policies, By-laws, rules, Code of Conduct, and regulations of the organization. When this does not happen, the imposition of sanctions under this policy may occur.

The policy is driven by a number of principles so that its sanctions reflect the seriousness of the Maltreatment and the harm to those affected and the values of Canadian sport. It applies to all Participants across Canada and includes:
o fair procedural and due process for all Participants;
o Is comprehensive, addressing all forms of maltreatment, and potential sanctions;
o Is expert-informed: its determination of Maltreatment and impositions of sanctions is informed by those with expertise in such areas as sport, child abuse, and the law;
o Is trauma-informed: acknowledging the physical, psychological and emotional effects of trauma, and avoidance of re-traumatization;
o Is evidence-driven, evidence of Maltreatment is required; and,
o Is independent, its administration being free from all conflicts of interest.

The policy applies to situations which occur both inside and outside of the sports environment, depending on the detrimental impact on participants and the organization.
All complaints under the policy are reported to an independent Case Manager, that is, an individual on contract outside of the organization
All complaints should be made in writing, although, at their discretion, the Case manager may accept a complaint in writing or not
When the Case Manager receives a complaint, they determine:
Whether the complaint applies to either CBSA or one of its participating provincial / territorial organizations
Whether it is within the authority of the policy and / or it is frivolous or not
Propose the use of alternate dispute resolution techniques
Determine if the complaint should be investigated under the Investigations Policy, and Determine if the complaint should be looked at under Process #1 or Process #2.

The policy provides details and examples of these processes so that users will know what to expect should they allege a complaint under these processes.

Examples under Process #1 are:

  • disrespectful, abusive, racist, or sexist comments or behaviour;
  • disrespectful conduct;
  • minor incidents of violence (e.g., tripping, pushing, elbowing);
  • conduct contrary to the values of the Organization or a Club or a Participating Member;
  • non-compliance with the organization’s policies, procedures, rules, or regulations; and,
  • minor violations of the Code of Conduct and Ethics, Social Media Policy, or Athlete Protection Policy.

Among the examples provided for Process #2 are:

  • repeated minor incidents;
  • any incident of hazing;
  • behaviour that constitutes harassment, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct;
  • major incidents of violence (e.g., fighting, attacking, sucker punching);
  • pranks, jokes, or other activities that endanger the safety of others;
  • conduct that intentionally interferes with a competition or with any athlete’s preparation for a competition;
  • conduct that intentionally damages the organization’s image, credibility, or reputation;
  • consistent disregard for the bylaws, policies, rules, and regulations;
  • major or repeated violations of the Code of Conduct and Ethics;
  • intentionally damaging the organization’s property or improperly handling the organization’s monies;
  • abusive use of alcohol, any use or possession of alcohol by Minors, or use or possession of illicit drugs and narcotics;
  • a conviction for any Criminal Code offense;
  • any possession or use of banned performance enhancing drugs or methods