15th Annual Montreal Open Goalball Tournament and Officials Clinic

15th Annual Montreal Open Goalball Tournament
When: January 23-25, 2015
Who: 10 men teams and 6 women teams will compete

For more information, please contact Nathalie at nchartrand@sportsaveugles.qc.ca.

Officials Clinic

There will be an officials clinic taking place January 22-25th, 2015.

There would be no cost but participants will pay their own transportation and lodging.

IBSA criteria:
• Candidates for Level I – must have at least 3 years national experience, minimum of 20 games as a referee or 10 different tournaments as a table official.
Annually, Level I Referees must referee a minimum of 4 games at 2 different local or international events (total 8 games).

• Level I – if one year missed, must re-qualify as Level I

Level I candidates will be examined by a Course Conductor or a Senior Course Conductor. Examination to certify at this level can occur at any national or international event. Candidates must attend a two/three-day course and pass an open-book written examination and a practical examination, both in English.

If you are interested in being a part of this clinic, please contact louise@canadianblindsports.ca or nchartrand@sportsaveugles.qc.ca.